Free version of LM Tools hosted here to test SIP, HTTP, WebRTC, Proprietary products & more.

Free Load Testing

LM Tools offers free load testing for various products listed below for limited virtual users. By default, 10 virtual users are allowed. Please register here and contact our support team to get started,

  • Web Load Testing - Use LM Tools to simulate HTTP clients (browsers) and load test the product Web Server. You can access links, login, download, upload, logout etc. You can simulate scenarios for HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, REST etc. For details please refer web server load testing page.

  • WebRTC Load Testing - LM Tools supports any signalling WebRTC call flows including media (OPUS, VP8, H.264) over SRTP / DTLS. You can configure for STUN, TURN and ICE details to simulate required call flows. For WebRTC support details, please refer webrtc load testing page.

  • SIP Load Testing - You can use LM Tools to simulate SIP clients with all advanced features. You can use any transport protocol (UDP / TCP / SCTP / TLS / Web Socket / Secured Web Socket) for signalling, any media profile (RTP/UDP, SRTP/UDP, SRTP/DTLS, RTP/TCP). Various audio / video codecs supported are PCMU, PCMA, AMR, OPUS, VP8, H.264. For more details on SIP support please refer SIP load testing page.

  • IMS Load Testing - LM Tools supports IMS load testing. You can simulate IMS clients with all advanced features. You can use any transport protocol (UDP / TCP / SCTP / TLS / Web Socket / Secured Web Socket) for signalling, any media profile (RTP/UDP, SRTP/UDP, SRTP/DTLS, RTP/TCP). Various audio / video codecs supported are PCMU, PCMA, AMR, OPUS, VP8, H.264. For more details on SIP support please refer IMS load testing page.

  • Any Text / Binary Load Testing - Say you have a product it is based on proprietary interface (not a public standard rather a private standard defined and used by you). It is difficult to get a proper testing tool outside that is capable of simulating various scenarios and with heavy load. LM Tools does this. It can simulate heavy load for proprietary products and accelerate your product testing to conclude stability, long hour behavior and present bench-marking data.

All these testings with limited virtual users (10 virtual users per account) you can use from LM Tools's cloud hosted testing solution system. Yes, we provide tool, machine free of cost. You can take advantage of this offer and start using it for functionality and minimal load. Also you can avail free remote support from LM Tools support team on best effort basis.

Soon, LM Tools simulation environment for servers (like SIP Proxy, SIP B2BUA, P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF, SMTP server, Web Server, DNS server ... many more) will be provided in cloud for free(for limited virtual users).

So what are you waiting for. Start the boat. Happy Testing.