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Install Codelite in Ubuntu

How to install codelite in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Please execute below commands to install codelite in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating systems.

sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
sudo apt-add-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install codelite wxcrafter
How to install codelite in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Please execute below commands to install codelite in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS operating systems.

    If an older version of codelite is available then execute first step otherwise you can skip it
  1. apt-get purge codelite codelite-plugins
  2. sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
  3. sudo apt-add-repository 'deb trusty universe'
  4. sudo apt-get update
  5. sudo apt-get install codelite wxcrafter
  6. sudo apt-get install build-essential
    To start the codelite use below command
  7. sudo codelite &

Configuration of codelite editor for our project

Make sure you have below configuration in your local machine.

Debugger setting

Project(settings) ->Debugger
Project setting

Indentation setting

Codelite(settings) -> Global Editor Preferences -> Indentation
Indentation setting