LM Tools Deployment

The typical LM Tools tool setup looks as below. Total three machines are involved 1) Multiplier, 2) Controller and 3) Web server. While Controller, Web server machines are provided by LM Tools, the Multiplier machine should be provided by Customer. This model is followed to minimise the data cost and to have better bandwidth efficiency.

Customer product (system under test) and Multiplier machine are hosted side by side in same data centre and should be able talk over local interface (using local ip address). However if you want us to provide Multiplier machine, we can look at that option as well, but it will increase cost depending on machine specification and which data centre is chosen.

Unlike other Tools, LM Tools offers infinite usage. For example, if you have subscribed 10,000 virtual users, you can use all the 10,000 virtual users all the time for testing. No restriction on how many times you can start the test, or how much time test is executed.

Talk to us to know more and choose the option as suitable for you. Our contact details are here.